Fast and easy
COVID-19 Testing

Availability everyday
No line and get tested in 5 minutes

Insurance or Self Pay
Multiple locations in LA
FDA compliant. CLIA Certified Lab

Choose the right test for you

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Rapid Antigen
test with 15 minute results (88.4% accuracy)

PCR test with <24h results (99.9% accuracy)

Saliva or nasal

Self-pay or insurance

Our locations

North of Beverly Center

371 N La Cienega Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Mon-Fri: 8.30am-5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

California, Georgia, Washington State

For schools, companies, organizations.

The Simplest Way To Get Tested

1 - Book online or walk-in
to one of our testing sites

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2 - Bring your ID and insurance
card (if you have one)
to the testing site

3 - Let our team check your documents and collect your sample.
5 minutes - You’re done!

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4 - Get results in 15 minutes with our rapid antigen test, or receive results by text with our PCR Test

Non-Invasive Testing Method

Our method for PCR tests:
Saliva, or painless non-invasive nasal

Sampling done by a
certified nurse or a certified medical assistant



Our laboratory result certificates allow
you to travel to certain US states and
countries which require a negative
COVID-19 test.
(We provide a RT-PCR COVID Test.
Please check with your airline and country
of destination which test is required).
Our laboratory is not approved to travel to Hawaii.

Our Laboratories

Our laboratories are based in LA, allowing us to quickly process your samples










+ Do I need an appointment?

We highly recommend making an appointment for a fast and efficient experience! Scheduling is made easily through our website. All information provided is securely stored and sent to our partnered laboratories for processing. However, if you would like to walk-in, our staff can assist you in scheduling the next available appointment.

+ Does Covid Testing Today accept my insurance?

All insurers should be covering 100% of the visit & PCR testing costs as part of the national emergency plan. Cost-share waiver means you will not be responsible for copays or deductibles. We have a list of insurers in which we can bill directly. If your insurance is not included in this list, we will give you a receipt to get reimbursed through your insurance.

+ What is a PCR diagnostic test?

A PCR diagnostic test is considered the gold standard for COVID-19 Testing. It detects active coronavirus infections with 99.9% accuracy. This will provide the necessary information to determine whether an individual should quarantine or isolate from others.

+ How much does the 24 hour PCR test cost?

Our 24 hour PCR test costs $195/per test. In order to expedite results, we ask that the client pre-pays for the test, however we do offer a superbill, which can be submitted to most insurance companies for reimbursement.

+ Does the sample collection hurt?

Not at all! Our samples are obtained with anterior nasal collection, meaning the swab is inserted less than one inch into the nostril. This collection process is much more comfortable than the nasopharyngeal collection used at other sites.

+ How can I get tested?

Simply make an appointment on our website. Once you’ve made your appointment, arrive at your scheduled time, and our staff will guide you through the process. We try to keep the process as fast and easy as possible!

+ How will I find out my results?

Once your results are back from the lab, you will receive a notification from the laboratory. You will then be able to download your results as a PDF with the lab certificate. You can share this document with airlines, employers, or family/friends.

+ Can I bring my child?

No problem! Our staff will keep your child company while you get tested and children can be tested as well. The test is minimally invasive and parents are welcome to sit with their child throughout the collection.

+ When should I arrive?

We recommend arriving 5 minutes before your appointment time. If you arrive late to your appointment time, we will do our best to accommodate you.

+ What documentation does COVID Testing Today provide?

You will receive a PDF with your results with lab certification that is valid for most travel.

For all additional documentation, including a doctor's signature or lab seal, please purchase using a Fit to Fly tool ( This is a separate service that we do not provide at this time. As the holiday season picks up, we will not be able to respond to, nor are we responsible for, doctor requests. We want to reiterate we are a testing center and not a doctor's office. We are working on adding these capabilities to COVID Testing Today’s services and will update our website once they’re available.